Monday, November 3, 2014


...I'm trying to think of a way to start this post without sounding like a complete bore but frankly I'm at a loss of words. Well to start off my name is Aly and I am 15 years old. I could be completely wrong and delusional but I'd like to consider myself wise beyond my years. I already know I'm going to look back at that in the future and laugh at myself. I have a passion for makeup, hair, clothes, crafts, etc. Basically all the typical teenage stuff, right? More importantly I am dealing with a great deal of mental health issues at the moment. Anxiety and depression to be more specific. I've never really minded talking about how I was feeling but currently I've been at a significant loss of words. My mother, who I also might note is my best friend, suggested writing in a journal but that didn't really spark an interest so I decided to create this blog. I have absolutely no idea if anyone at all is going to read this, let alone think it is at all remotely interesting but I truly think it will help me mentally and maybe if one person stumbles across it and relates to it than I couldn't be more thankful. 

Anyway I'm very new to this but hopefully I can learn and grow as a person. I hope to share some of my beauty and fashion tips along with mental health tips. If you feel so inclined to return and follow me along this journey then know how extremely thankful I am. 

Till' next time,



  1. Hi :) I just started my blog too! And I hope that you can overcome your issues, which I'm sure you're going to ;) I wish you all the luck and I will follow you. If you want, here is my link:
    xoxo, little bird

  2. Looking forward to seeing more, I've just started my blog!! :)
